Saturday 19 March 2011

Photography @ " Matrix House "

champagne reception this time.....
Top 40 achievers under 40 and a new location again as well..
Vine Street London W1

a small selection below....

nice H'ordeurves as well....

Matrix House just happens to be opposite
  Chris Beetles Fine Photographs ( link )
they specialize in photographic prints by the world's most sought after photographers........Prices range from £1400 to £50000+

this Picasso for example is £75,000 ! taken by Irving Penn
( link )

another print currently on the walls
Malcom X by Eve Arnold
( link )

it is nice to see original framed prints rather than posters or books...

you just smile nicely at the lady, press the buzzer and you're in.

just round the corner and up the road a bit is Regent Street...

and the Apple store...

a quick pop with some toys...
I'm waiting for the 25th March
and the big decision?

to iPad 2 ..... or not to?
watch this space.......